Red Bull - partner of “Hai Haiduci! by Salomon”
Red Bull has become the partner of the first sport festival in Moldova – “Hai Haiduci! by Salomon”.
Red Bull helps amateur and professional sportsmen all over the world in any situations when they need a supplement of energy.
Each Red Bull drink (250 ml) contains as much caffeine as a cup of coffee of same volume. Consumption of Red Bull energy drinks should take into account the recommended daily intake of caffeine.
Red Bull gives you wings when it’s really necessary!

Shall you be reminded that the sporting event “Hai Haiduci! by Salomon”, due on April 21-22, will comprise a trailrunning race and an MTB trail. In addition to the sports competitions, the festival will feature various shows and concert programs. The festival will culminate with a concert program by Zdob si Zdub.
The major purpose of “Hai Haiduci! by Salomon” is the active promotion of the historical, natural and cultural monuments of the Republic of Moldova.
It is the first time that an event organized by Sporter will take place under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Moldova, as part of the events dedicated to the year of Stefan cel Mare.